Long Compton, St. Peter & St. Paul

St Peter and St Paul, Long Compton is the largest of the seven churches in the South Warwickshire Benefice. Come and worship with us - whether you are a local resident, a weekend visitor or holidaymaker, you will receive a warm welcome here.


There are usually 4 Sunday services each month in this church:

At 9 am a service of either Holy Communion or Morning Prayer, according to the Book of Common Prayer, always including hymns and a sermon;

At 10.30 am a Morning Service, including Holy Communion on alternate weeks, following the 2000 version of Common Worship, always including hymns and a sermon;

Fortnightly (except in school holidays) at 4pm an informal service known as GAP (“God and People”) which has two children’s groups (4-7s and 8-10s) and a youth group (11-18s). For adults, the service includes prayers, a Bible talk, and worship songs with live music. Sometimes a short Communion is included. Food and refreshments are served afterwards.

Acorns School

We have a strong relationship with Long Compton's primary school, Acorns. Pupils visit the church several times in the year including a Harvest and Christmas service. On alternate weeks the Rector and other church members take part in assemblies at the school.

The Friends of Long Compton Church

The Friends of Long Compton Church is a village charity which holds regular events here, including concerts, talks and exhibitions, and raises funds to support the upkeep of the church. If you would like to join or donate to the Friends or attend one of its events, find out more at Facebook @FriendsofLongComptonChurch or email friendslcchurch@gmail.com 

This Church is open to visitors every day from 10 am until about 6 pm (dusk in winter)

16 March - 2nd Sunday of Lent
St. Peter & St. Paul - Long Compton
4.00pm - GAP Informal Service (Ben Dyson)
23 March - 3rd Sunday of Lent
St. Peter & St. Paul - Long Compton
10.30am - Holy Communion CW with Children's Group (primary school age) and followed by refreshments, all welcome. (Ben Dyson)
30 March - Mothering Sunday
St. Peter & St. Paul - Long Compton
9.00am - Holy Communion BCP (Ben Dyson)

Church History

St Peter and St Paul is a local landmark, standing at the centre of this Cotswold village, often photographed by passing tourists. Dating from the 13th century, the church is a light and welcoming place. It is open to visitors...


Please contact the Churchwarden for any specific enquiries:

Jill Kirby


Postcode: CV36 5JJ